
Power online reward programs with direct feeds from RepLink

As incentive programs move online, buyers and program managers face new challenges. Issues like controlling back orders and deleting discontinued merchandise is critical. Incentive customers are becoming more demanding, so speed of order processing and timely fulfillment is more important than ever. That’s why ShipQuick was developed.

What is ShipQuick?

ShipQuick is made up of two important components:

1. A special collection of Web-ready incentive products that can be shipped within 10 days. Up to 30,000 products from 1500 brands are fed nightly directly to an award platform or database. This keeps information fresh and accurate. RepLink suppliers monitor product inventory and quickly remove merchandise that can’t ship within the time frame. As a result, the ShipQuick on-time delivery record is 97%!


2. Automated order processing, confirmation, and tracking. You send your orders to RepLink in a batch feed or via our Web service. RepLink forwards the information directly to each appropriate supplier. The order is confirmed and the tracking number is provided to you and/or your customer.

Managing the process

Online incentive redemptions are a critical part of today’s programs. The ShipQuick system maintains all transaction activity in one central system. All program fulfillment activities are recorded so orders are easily reviewed together with tracking and shipping information. There is even a messaging system that connects you directly with the supplier’s customer service representative for every brand in the program to minimize time spent with customer service issues when they arise.


For information on how to power your online award programs with the freshest incentive merchandise, please contact:

Mary Hanson
Executive Vice President
The DataDirect Group

877.757.4321 ext 88