
1,800 national brands and 60,000 factory fresh products

When creating an incentive collection, it’s not how many items are offered. It’s about having the right items; the merchandise that program participants really want.

The 60,000 products and 1800+ brands in RepLink represent a unique collection of tested incentive merchandise. The brands are well known and trusted. The products from these brands represent items that incentive programs use to jump start redemptions.

How incentive products make the RepLink cut
60% of the RepLink suppliers are OEM’s. They are the factories that actually manage and sell their brand name merchandise within traditional channels. Each of these companies maintains a special markets division that reviews the entire product line then selects and stocks only the items that have an incentive ‘profile’. From there, the marketplace takes over and judges the company’s incentive collection. As a result, strongly redeeming products remain on the supplier’s shelf and are fed into RepLink.


The balance of RepLink brands come from distributors that have established specialized incentive departments. As with OEM factories, these distributors stock only the merchandise that maintains a strong redemption record. As popularity wanes, the merchandise is removed from RepLink.

RepLink merchandise can help insure success.
Products in the RepLink database represent the freshest, newest, and most popular items available. They all carry full warrantees and are offered at the lowest direct price available.  Suppliers carefully manage the data for accuracy and completeness and move quickly to identify items that are on back order or discontinued. 

Fresh data means fewer customer service issues. Dealing with professional and experienced incentive suppliers means everyone is on the same page and understands exactly what is needed for success.


For a list of all RepLink suppliers and brands, contact:

Mary Hanson
Executive Vice President
The DataDirect Group

877.757.4321 ext 88