Selecting Products is important. Managing the selection is critical
Access RepLink was launched in 2006 to provide professional incentive buyers access to the industry’s database of factory-fresh incentive products. Incentive companies, promotion agencies and promotional products distributors use the Access RepLink service to find and buy merchandise, present it to their corporate customer, then manage the items once they have been placed in a program resellers even receive nightly product feeds.
Products are always changing. So what?
Today’s incentive product collections are continually being updated by the suppliers. New items replace old at a frantic rate and the pace is increasing. Last year, the RepLink database was completely refreshed with 60,000 items being deleted and an equal number of new products added. And while seeing the new products is exciting, dealing with the fallout of finding replacements or subs for items already placed in a program can be horrendous.
Because Access RepLink links in real time to the freshest and most up-to date award and recognition merchandise available, there are minimal issues when an item is discontinued. Buyers have access to the most current pricing, plus images and estimated drop-ship freight, all at direct factory prices.
Finding and using the products
The Access RepLink system contains several modules that aid in the ‘search-select-share’ process. It begins with instant access to the industry’s database of incentive merchandise. A robust search engine with dozens of filters provides an easy way to see the exact item at the proper price point. Product collections can be created and there is a ‘Confirmation’ process allowing suppliers to verify price and availability before the program is launched. An export system feeds data into internal management systems or remains available on the web to search and build specialized collections.
Tapping the pros to get good ideas
Access RepLink provides a simple way to tap into the experience and knowledge of suppliers and reps. The RepLink RFP form is a tool built into the program providing an easy way to define what you’re looking for and the type of program that will use it. The form is submitted within the RepLink System and then answered by reps or suppliers. Responses go into the program and are linked to the specific request. Buyers can search through the responses in one place with no paper, emails or phone calls needed.
Growing the bottom line
Nothing destroys profits faster than paying people to chase down replacement products, find substitutions, correct pricing then paying for all the other costs incurred when information is wrong. Using Access RepLink reduces customer service calls because merchandise is up-to-date and priced correctly. And discontinued and back ordered products are always filtered out.
Once products are put into a program, the Access RepLink system provides ongoing product management, including notification of discontinued items, the recommended replacement if available and price change notifications.
For information on how to link into the RepLink database of incentive merchandise for your next program, please contact:
Mary Hanson
Executive Vice President
The DataDirect Group
877.757.4321 ext 88