
Selling your merchandise to the $53 Billion incentive channel with RepLink

The RepLink System™ is the industry standard for bringing up-to-date incentive products to the marketplace. Released in 1993, RepLink has undergone a number of major upgrades to accommodate changes in the marketplace and is now in version 8.0.

The online software service is used daily by virtually every incentive rep and the database includes products from nearly all major suppliers. The product database contains approximately 60,000 items representing 1800+ brands. 


RepLink helps suppliers manage their merchandise

The RepLink database structure makes it easy for suppliers to add and delete merchandise, change prices, update images, and then manage all their products including their current availability status.  As product changes are made within the system, results are instantly available to the sales team and subscribing customers.

To provide standardized information, RepLink has developed hundreds of specialized data fields so suppliers can describe their products using a consistent set of terms. The program also helps a supplier define and share sales policies and provide necessary contact information for customer service, receivables, warranty, and other departments.

A special RepLink module stores and shares a variety of hi-res product images, videos, PDF pages, and PowerPoint presentations. 


Sharing the information

Once product data has been entered, RepLink offers tools to edit and sort through the information and then send the correct data to sales reps and customers. A powerful presentation system makes it easy to combine a search for products and then present the results to customers using more than 50 standard and customized templates and formats.

Merchandise data in RepLink is available to authorized reps, added to rep web sites and fed directly to customers for use in their own databases or award platforms.


Managing the sales process

RepLink manages merchandise data and helps suppliers control who has access to the data and what price they see.  The program also provides sales management tools showing which items have been presented, when items have been added or deleted, and how many incentive programs will be impacted if an item is deleted from the database.

These tools have been developed to help incentive suppliers, their reps, and customers control the incentive process and get the maximum benefit from available information. 

For information on how you as a supplier can add your incentive products to the RepLink database please contact:


Mary Hanson
Executive Vice President
The DataDirect Group

877.757.4321 ext 88